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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 01 al 15 de 2015


SILVA L., E.; CALDAS B., P.; FONTANA L., E.; FIEDLER, N.C.; PALMA V., T. Análise antropométrica de trabalhadores em atividades de implantacao florestal. Floresta 43(4):525-533. 2013.

LISCUM, E.; ASKINOSIE, S.K.; LEUCHTMAN, D.L.; MORROW, J.; WILLENBURG, K.T.; ROBERTS C.; D. Phototropism: Growing towards an understanding of plant movement. Plant cell 26(1):38-55. 2014.

LEIVAR, P.; MONTE, E. PIFs: Systems integrators in plant development. Plant cell 26(1):56-78. 2014.

BALTES, N.J.; GIL H., J.; CERMAK, T.; ATKINS, P.A.; VOYTAS, D.F. DNA replicons for plant genome engineering. Plant cell 26(1):151-163. 2014.

NIEHAUS, T.D.; RICHARDSON, L.G.L.; GIDDA, S.K.; ELBADAWI S., M.; MEISSEN, J.K.; MULLEN, R.T.; FIEHN, O.; HANSON, A.D. Plants utilize a highly conserved system for repair of NADH and NADPH hydrates. Plant physiology 165(1):52-61. 2014.

ZHANG, C.; GSCHWEND, A.R.; OUYANG, Y.; LONG, M. Evolution of gene structural complexity: An alternative-splicing-based model accounts for intron-containing retrogenes. Plant physiology 165(1):412-423. 2014.

WALKER, B.J.; STRAND, D.D.; KRAMER, D.M.; COUSINS, A.B. The response of cyclic electron flow around Photosystem I to changes in photorespiration and nitrate assimilation. Plant physiology 165(1):453-462. 2014.

MOR, A.; KOH, E.; WEINER, L.; ROSENWASSER, S.; SIBONY B., H.; FLUHR, R. Singlet oxygen signatures are detected independent of light or chloroplasts in response to multiple stresses. Plant physiology 165(1):249-261. 2014.

SANTOS, R. DO R.; GOMES, H.F. Use of devices in social web communication through university libraries: A space for mediation of information. TransInformacao 26(1):39-50. 2014.

GESTION Humana, clave para transformar organizaciones. Revista universidad EAFIT 49(163):38-41. 2014. 

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Última actualización:2015-10-30 Autor:Cenicafé
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 01 al 15 de 2015