Ultimas Adquisiciones - Agosto 01 al 15 de 2016
PCC - 5G7Ba7cdi - S14 - 6ta. ed.. SALDARRIAGA R., C. Paisaje cultural cafetero colombiano. – 6ta. ed. Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, 2010. 35 p.
CHAN, K.X.; PHUA, S.Y.; CRISP, P.; MCQUINN, R.; POGSON, B.J. Learning the languages of the chloroplast: Retrograde signaling and beyond. Annual review of plant biology 67:25-53. 2016.
WALKER, B.J.; VANLOOCKE, A.; BERNACCHI, C.J.; ORT, D.R. The costs of photorespiration to food production now and in the future. Annual review of plant biology 67:107-129. 2016.
GALILI, G.; AMIR, R.; FERNIE, A.R. The regulation of essential amino acid synthesis and accumulation in plants. Annual review of plant biology 67:153-178. 2016.
DOBRENEL, T.; CALDANA, C.; HANSON, J.; ROBAGLIA, C.; VINCENTZ, M.; VEIT, B.; MEYER, C. TOR signaling and nutrient sensing. Annual review of plant biology 67:261-285. 2016.
HU, Z.; COOLS, T.; VEYLDER, L. DE. Mechanisms used by plants to cope with DNA damage. Annual review of plant biology 67:439-462. 2016.
VANDIVIER, L.E.; ANDERSON, S.J.; FOLEY, S.W.; GREGORY, B.D. The conservation and function of RNA secondary structure in plants. Annual review of plant biology 67:463-488. 2016.
GAUDINIER, A.; BRADY, S.M. Mapping transcriptional networks in plants: Data driven discovery of novel biological mechanisms. Annual review of plant biology 67:575-594. 2016.
RIOS C., I. DE LOS; BECERRIL H., H.; RIVERA, M. La agricultura ecológica y su influencia en la prosperidad rural: Visión desde una sociedad agraria Murcia, España. Agrociencia 50(3):375-389. 2016.
SANCHEZ A., H.; ALDRETE, A.; VARGAS H., J.; ORDAZ C., V. Influencia del tipo y color de envase en el desarrollo de plantas de pino en vivero. Agrociencia 50(4):481-492. 2016.
Ultimas Adquisiciones - Agosto 01 al 15 de 2016
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café - Cenicafé
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