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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Diciembre 01 al 15 de 2012


SUELOS y fertilización : Manuales para educación agropecuaria. México : Trillas, 2008. 103 p.

FLORA apícola : Determinación de la oferta floral apícola como mecanismo para optimizar producción diferenciar productos de la colmena y mejorar la competitividad. Bogotá : Instituto Humboldt, 2012. 24 p.

CENICAFE. Informe anual de actividades 2012. Chinchiná : CENICAFE, 2012. 143 p.


MATIELLO, R.R.; BRUNELLI, K.R.; [et al.]. Inheritance of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot Colletotrichum graminicola in tropical maize inbred lines. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology 12(3):179-184. 2012.

CAI, Y.; FAN, J.; [et al.]. Interspecific interaction between Spodoptera exigua multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus and Microplitis bicoloratus Hymenoptera : Braconidae : Microgastrina in Spodoptera exigua Lepidoptera : Noctuidae larvae. Journal of economic entomology 105(5):1503-1508. 2012.

BURKNESS, E.C.; HUTCHISON, W.D. Bt pollen dispersal and Bt kernel mosaics : Integrity of non Bt refugia for lepidopteran resistance management in maize. Journal of economic entomology 105(5):1773-1780. 2012.

SHAPIRO I., D.; ROJAS, M.G.; [et al.]. Optimization of a host diet for in vivo production of entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of nematology 44(3):264-273. 2012.

VETURI, Y.; KUMP, K.; [et al.]. Multivariate mixed linear model analysis of longitudinal data : An information rich statistical technique for analyzing plant disease resistance. Phytopathology 102(11):1016-1025. 2012.

ANDRADE, E.M. DE; CARNEIRO NETO, J.A.; [et al.]. Classificacao da sustentabilidade das unidades de producao agrícola no perímetro irrigado Araras norte, Ceará. Scientia agraria 10(2):157-164. 2012.

CALDERON, F.J.; SCHULTZ, D.J.; [et al.]. Carbon allocation belowground transfers and lipid turnover in a plant microbial association. Soil science society of america journal 76(5):1614-1623. 2012.

SAINJU, U.M.; CAESAR T., T.; [et al.]. Dryland soil greenhouse gas emissions affected by cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization. Soil science society of america journal 76(5):1741-1757. 2012.

ZHANG, X.C. Cropping and tillage systems effects on soil erosion under climate change in Oklahoma. Soil science society of america journal 76(5):1789-1797. 2012.

TAKACS, E.M.; LI. J.; [et al.]. Ontogeny of the maize shoot apical meristem. Plant cell 24(8):3219-3234. 2012.

FINKA, A.; CUENDET, A.F.H.; [et al.]. Plasma membrane cyclic nucleotide gated calcium channels control land plant thermal sensing and acquired thermotolerance. Plant cell 24(8):3333-3348. 2012.

KAKUMANU, A.; AMBAVARAM, M.M.R.; [et al.]. Effects of drought on gene expression in maize reproductive and leaf meristem tissue revealed by RNA Seq. Plant physiology 160(2):846-867. 2012.

HOSSAIN, M.S.; LIAO, J.; [et al.]. Lotus japonicus ARPC1 is required for rhizobial infection. Plant physiology 160(2):917-928. 2012.

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Última actualización:2012-11-30 Autor:Centro de Documentación
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Diciembre 01 al 15 de 2012