Ultimas Adquisiciones - Enero 01 al 15 de 2014
632.9 - A66
Application techniques for plant protection in field crops. [Basle] : CIBA : GEIGY, [s.f.]. 87 p.
632.9 - M15
Manual for field trials in plant protection. Basle : CIBA : GEIGY, 1981. 205 p.
SHTIENBERG, D. Will decision support systems be widely used for the management of plant diseases?. Annual review of phytopathology 51:1-16. 2013.
VENTURI, V.; FUQUA, C. Chemical signaling between plants and plant pathogenic bacteria. Annual review of phytopathology 51:17-37. 2013.
ZHAN, J.; MCDONALD, B.A. Experimental measures of pathogen competition and relative fitness. Annual review of phytopathology 51:131-153. 2013.
GENT, D.H.; MAHAFFEE, W.F.; [et al.]. The use and role of predictive systems in disease management. Annual review of phytopathology 51:267-289. 2013.
TURECHEK, W.W.; MCROBERTS, N. Considerations of scale in the analysis of spatial pattern of plant disease epidemics. Annual review of phytopathology 51:453-472. 2013.
DA SILVA C., R.; AMORIM F., J.; [et al.]. Influencia do ambiente no desenvolvimento de colonias iniciais de formigas cortadeiras Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Ciencia rural 43(8):1375-1380. 2013.
NOGUEIRA, J.A.; DA SILVA, J.; [et al.]. Two cycles of recurrent selection in red bean breeding. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology 13(1):41-48. 2013.
PEREZ L., E. Plaguicidas botánicos : Una alternativa a tener en cuenta. Fitosanidad 16(1):51-59. 2012.
KOBAYASHI, Y.; KOBAYASHI, Y.; [et al.]. Molecular and physiological analysis of Al3+ and H+ rhizotoxicities at moderately acidic conditions. Plant physiology 163(1):180-192. 2013.
HINCAPIE G., E.; TOBON M., C. Dinámica del agua en andisoles bajo condiciones de ladera. Revista facultad nacional de agronomía Medellín 65(2):6771-6783. 2012.
MACHADO, J. DA C.; MACHADO, A.Q.; [et al.]. Inoculum potential of Fusarium verticillioides and performance of maize seeds. Tropical plant pathology 38(3):213-217. 2013.
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