Ultimas Adquisiciones - Enero 01 al 15 de 2015
CHAVES B., N.F.; ARAYA V., R.; DEBOUCK, D.G. Cruzamiento natural en fr¡jol común en costa rica. Agronom¡a mesoamericana 25(1):23-33. 2014.
PENOT, E.; DABAT, M.H.; RAKOTOARIMANANA, A.; GRANDJEAN, P. The evolution of cropping systems in the lake alaotra region of madagascar an approach based on temporalities. biotechnologie agronomie society and environment 18(3):329-338. 2014.
BARBAR, A.; CUSSON, M. Protein prenylation in insects : A potential target for the development of bio rational insecticides targeting the Lepidoptera. biotechnologie agronomie society and environment 18(3):376-382. 2014.
RUIZ, E.; MOLINA L., D.L. Revisión de literatura sobre beneficios asociados al uso de coberturas leguminosas en palma de aceite y otros cultivos permanentes. Palmas 35(1):53-64. 2014.
ELLIOTT, A.G.; DELAY, C.; LIU, H.; PHUA, Z.; ROSENGREN, K.J.; BENFIELD, A.H.; PANERO, J.L.; COLGRAVE, M.L.; JAYASENA, A.S.; DUNSE, K.M.; ANDERSON, M.A.; SCHILLING, E.E.; ORTIZ B. D.; CRAIK, D.J.; MYLNE, J.S. Evolutionary origins of a bioactive peptide buried within preproalbumin. Plant cell 26(3):981-995. 2014.
SEMCHONOK, D.A.; BOEKEMA, E.J.; BRUCE, B.D. Characterization and evolution of tetrameric photosystem I from the thermophilic cyanobacterium chroococcidiopsis sp TS821. Plant cell 26(3):1230-1245. 2014.
KING, S.R.F.; MCLELLAN, H.; BOEVINK, P.C.; ARMSTRONG, M.R.; BUKHAROVA, T.; SUKARTA, O.; WIN, J.; KAMOUN, S.; BIRCH, P.R.J.; BANFIELD, M.J. Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector PexRD2 interacts with host MAPKKKe to suppress plant immune signaling. Plant cell 26(3):1345-1359. 2014.
SILVA, D.A. DA; ESTEVES, J.A. DE F.; MESSIAS, U.; TEIXEIRA, A.; GONCALVES, J.G.R.; CHIORATO, A.F.; CARBONELL, S.A.M. Efficiency in the use of phosphorus by common bean genotypes. Scientia agricola 71(3):232-239. 2014.
CAMARGO, L.A.; MARQUES JR., J.; PEREIRA, G.T.; BAHIA, A.S.R. DE S. Clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of oxisols in geomorphic surfaces. Scientia agricola 71(3):244-256. 2014.
Ultimas Adquisiciones - Enero 01 al 15 de 2015
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