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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Marzo 01 al 15 de 2013


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FRANKS, S.J.; HOFFMANN, A.A. Genetics of climate change adaptation. Annual review of genetics 46:185-208. 2012.

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ROOSSINCK, M.J. Plant virus metagenomics : Biodiversity and ecology. Annual review of genetics 46:359-369. 2012.

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VEUM, K.S.; GOYNE, K.W.; [et al.]. Relationships among water stable aggregates and organic matter fractions under conservation management. Soil science society of america journal 76(6):2143-2153. 2012.

VADEBONCOEUR, M.A.; HAMBURG, S.P.; [et al.]. The quantitative soil pit method for measuring belowground carbon and nitrogen stocks. Soil science society of america journal 76(6):2241-2255. 2012.

COSTA, J.R.; ARAUJO, E.R.; [et al.]. Ocorrencia e caracterizacao do complexo de espécies causadoras da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro no Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe SC. Tropical plant pathology 37(2):149-154. 2012.

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Última actualización:2013-03-04 Autor:Centro de Documentación
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Marzo 01 al 15 de 2013