Ultimas Adquisiciones - Marzo 01 al 15 de 2015
PIOTTO, F.E.; TULMANN N., A.; FRANCO, M.R.; BOARETTO, L.F.; AZEVEDO, R.A. Rapid screening for selection of heavy metal tolerant plants. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology 14(1):1-7. 2014.
SAKIYAMA, N.S.; CANCELA R., H.C.; TEIXEIRA C., E.; GONZAGA P., M. Plant breeding with marker assisted selection in Brazil. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology 14(1):54-60. 2014.
DENIS A., D. Application of the elliptic Fourier functions to the description of avian egg shape. Revista de biolog¡a tropical 62(4):1469-1480. 2014.
PEREZ L., E.; PACHECO, L.F. Wildlife damage mitigation in agricultural crops in a Bolivian montane forest. Revista de biolog¡a tropical 62(4):1495-1507. 2014.
BRANDY, K.; BRUNNER, B.; MORALES P., J.P.; MARTINEZ G., S. Yield and quality performance of open pollinated and hybrid tomato cultivars grown under organic management in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 97(3-4):149-170. 2013.
CALDEIRA, M.V.W.; GONCALVES, E. DE O.; TRAZZI, P.A.; DELARMELINA, W.M.; ROCHA, R.L.F. Crescimento de mudas de eucalyptus grandis utilizando lodo de esgoto fibra de coco e palha de cafe in natura. Floresta 44(2):195-206. 2014.
REIS, C.E.S. DOS; DICK, D.P.; CALDAS, J. DA S.; BAYER, C. Carbon sequestration in clay and silt fractions of Brazilian soils under conventional and no tillage systems. Scientia agricola 71(4):292-301. 2014.
SATO, J.H.; FIGUEIREDO, C.C. DE; MARCHAO, R.L.; MADARI, B.E.; BENEDITO, L.E.CELINO; BUSATO, J.G.; SOUZA, D.M.S DE Methods of soil organic carbon determination in Brazilian savannah soils. Scientia agricola 71(4):302-308. 2014.
MENEZES, M.D. DE; SILVA, S.H.G.; MELLO, C.R. DE; OWENS, P.R.; CURI, N. Solum depth spatial prediction comparing conventional with knowledge based digital soil mapping approaches. Scientia agricola 71(4):316-323. 2014.
RIBEIRO R., M.; FAVARETTO, N.; DIECKOW, J.; DEDECK, R.A.; VEZZANI, F.M.; ALMEIDA, L.; SPERRIN, M. Soil water and nutrient loss under conventional and organic vegetable production managed in small farms. Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics 115(1):31-40. 2014.
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