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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Mayo 01 al 15 de 2016


HAMILTON, J.A.; MILLAR, J.M. Adaptive introgression as a resource for management and genetic conservation in a changing climate. Conservation biology 30(1):33-41. 2016.

SHOO, L.P.; FREEBODY, K.; KANOWSKI, J.; CATTERALL, C.P. Slow recovery of tropical old-field rainforest regrowth and the value and limitations of active restoration. Conservation biology 30(1):121-132. 2016.

MARCO, M. DI; BUTCHART, S.H.M.; VISCONTI, P.; BUCHANAN, G.M.; FICETOLA, G.F.; RONDININI, C. Synergies and trade-offs in achieving global biodiversity targets. Conservation biology 30(1):189-195. 2016.

DRISCOLL, D.A.; BODE, M.; BRADSTOCK, R.A.; KEITH, D.A.; PENMAN, T.D.; PRICE, O.F. Resolving future fire management conflicts using multicriteria decision making. Conservation biology 30(1):196-205. 2016.

GUERRA G., D.C.; OSORIO S., J.A.; BARAHONA R., R. Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities in the Aburra valley metropolitan area Colombia. Revista facultad nacional de agronomía Medellín 69(1):7783-7792. 2016.

QUINTO M., H.; MORENO H., F. Precipitation effects on soil characteristics in tropical rain forests of the choco biogeographical region. Revista facultad nacional de agronomía Medellín 69(1):7813-7823. 2016.

PABON, A.; ARISMENDI, P.; PEÑA, J.M.; RUIDIAZ, M. Obtención y caracterización de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de Maracuyá amarillo Passifloraedulissims f. flavicarpa. Investiguemus 2(1):19-23. 2014.

BELTRAN G., J.A.; PULVER, E.; GUERRERO M., J.M.; MOSQUERA M., M. Cerrando brechas de productividad con la estrategia de tecnología productor a productor. Palmas 36(2):39-53. 2015.

LIONE, G.; GONTHIER, P. A Permutation randomization approach to test the spatial distribution of plant diseases. Phytopathology 106(1):19-28. 2016.

STUKENBROCK, E.H. The role of hybridization in the evolution and emergence of new fungal plant pathogens. Phytopathology 106(2):104-112. 2016.

Última actualización:2016-05-02 Autor:Cenicafé
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Mayo 01 al 15 de 2016