Ultimas Adquisiciones - Octubre 01 al 15 de 2013
CARDER. La huerta al barrio: El retorno a la siembra. Pereira : CARDER, 2008. 47 p.
CORPONOR. Norma de bosques sucesionales. Cúcuta : La corporación, 2008. 20 p.
RAMAGE, B.S.; SHEIL, D.; [et al.]. Pseudoreplication in tropical forests and the resulting effects on biodiversity conservation. Conservation biology 27(2):364-372. 2013.
NUÑEZ, T.A.; LAWLER G., J.J.; [et al.]. Connectivity planning to address climate change. Conservation biology 27(2):407-416. 2013.
DAZA, C.J. Los biocombustibles: Oportunidad o amenaza. El palmicultor 496:10. 2013.
FLETCHER, J.; LEACH, J.E.; [et al.]. Human pathogens on plants: Designing a multidisciplinary strategy for research. Phytopathology 103(4):306-315. 2013.
FUJISAWA, M.; NAKANO, T.; [et al.]. A large scale identification of direct targets of the tomato MADS box transcription factor ripening inhibitor reveals the regulation of fruit ripening. The plant cell 25(2):371-386. 2013.
CARMO S., A.E.; SALVUCCI, M.E. The regulatory properties of rubisco activase differ among species and affect photosynthetic induction during light transitions. Plant physiology 161(4):1645-1655. 2013.
WU, H.J.; WANG, Z.M.; [et al.]. Widespread long noncoding RNAs as endogenous target mimics for microRNAs in plants. Plant physiology 161(4):1875-1884. 2013.
ZAMIOUDIS, C.; MASTRANESTI, P.; [et al.]. Unraveling root developmental programs initiated by beneficial Pseudomonas spp. bacteria. Plant physiology 162(1):304-318. 2013.
WEINTHAL, D.M.; TAYLOR, R.A.; [et al.]. Nonhomologous end joining mediated gene replacement in plant cells. Plant physiology 162(1):390-400. 2013.
AVALOS, G.; BAR, M.E.; [et al.]. Diversidad de Araneae en cultivos de Citrus sinensis (Rutaceae) de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Revista de biología tropical 61(3):1243-1260. 2013.
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