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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 01 al 15 de 2014



FNC. Estudio de zonificación y uso potencial del suelo en la zona cafetera del departamento de Nariño. Bogotá : MADR : FNC : CENICAFE, 2013. 68 p.


CARO C., L.; CARO C., J.; LOPEZ V., J.; VALDEZ O., A.; REYES M., C.; HERNANDEZ O., E. Prediction of surviving larvae of mexican fruit fly after heating in a block system. Agrociencia 48(2):211-223. 2014.

SALGADO G., S.; ARANDA I., E.; CASTELAN E., M.; ORTIZ L. H.; PALMA L., D.; CORDOVA S., S. Que hacer con la paja de la cosecha mecanizada de la caña de azucar. Agroproductividad 7(2):3-8. 2014.

FENNIMORE, S.A.; SEROHIJOS, R.; SAMTANI, J.B.; AJWA, H.A.; SUBBARAO, K.V.; MARTIN, F.N.; DAUGOVISH, O.; LEGARD, D.; BROWNE, G.T.; MURAMOTO, J.; SHENNAN, C.; KLONSKY, K. TIF film substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain fruit yields. California agriculture 67(3):139-146. 2013.

AJWA, H.; STANGHELLINI, M.S.; GAO, S.; SULLIVAN, D.A.; KHAN, A.; NTOW, W.; QUIN, R. Fumigant emission reductions with TIF warrant regulatory changes. California agriculture 67(3):147-152. 2013.

SUDDICK, E.C.; NGUGI, M.K.; PAUSTIAN, K.; SIX, J. Monitoring soil carbon will prepare growers for a carbon trading system. California agriculture 67(3):162-171. 2013.

CREPALDI, R.A.; PORTILHO, I.I.R.; SILVESTRE, R.; MERCANTE, F.M. Ants as bioindicators of soil quality in integrated crop livestock system. Ciencia rural 44(5):781-787. 2014.

CONCEICAO, P.C.; BAYER, C.; DIECKOW, J.; SANTOS, D.C. DOS Physical fractionation of organic matter and carbon management index of an alfisol subjected to conservation management systems. Ciencia rural 44(5):794-800. 2014.

ROJAS R., L. los basidiomicetos : una herramienta biotecnol¢gica promisoria con impacto en la agricultura. Fitosanidad 17(1):44-55. 2014.

MUREK, M.; ZOUHAR, M.; DOUDA, O.; MANASOVA, M.; RYSANEK, P. Exploitation of FTA cartridges for the sampling long term storage and DNA based analyses of plant parasitic nematodos. Phytopatology 104(3):306-312. 2014.

LAWSON, T.; BLATT, M.R. Stomatal size speed and responsiveness impact on photosynthesis and water use efficiency. Plant physiology 164(4):1556-1570. 2014.

CHAUMONT, F.; TYERMAN, S.D. Aquaporins : highly regulated channels controlling plant water relations. Plant physiology 164(4):1600-1618. 2014.

TARDIEU, F.; PARENT, B.; CALDEIRA, C.F.; WELCKER. C. Genetic and physiological controls of growth under water deficit. Plant physiology 164(4):1628-1635. 2014.


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Última actualización:2014-11-04 Autor:Cenicafé
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 01 al 15 de 2014