Ultimas Adquisiciones - Febrero 16 al 28 de 2014
SCOTT, P.R.; BAINBRIDGE, A. Plant disease epidemiology. London : Blackwell scientific, 1978. 329 p.
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KAUR, H.; ATTRI, R. Morphological and morphometrical characterization of meloidogyne incognita from different host plants in four districts of Punjab, India. Journal of nematology 45(2):122-127. 2013.
CRONE, E.E.; ELLIS, M.M. Ability of matrix models to explain the past and predict the future of plant populations. Conservation biology 27(5):968-978. 2013.
VISCONTI, P.; MARCO, M. DI; [et al.]. Effects of errors and gaps in spatial data sets on assessment of conservation progress. Conservation biology 27(5):1000-1010. 2013.
RIBEIRO, J.B.; BORGO, M.; [et al.]. Areas protegidas de Curitiba (PR, Brasil) como sumidouros de CO2. Floresta 43(2):181-190. 2013.
JIMENEZ V., M.T.P.; REYES V., M.A. Evolución de los desarrollos estadísticos en la agronomía. Revista universidad de la salle 62:307-323. 2013.
CARDOSO, E.J.B.N.; VASCONCELLOS, R.L.F.; [et al.]. Looking for suitable indicators: What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health. Scientia agrícola 70(4):274-289. 2013.
THIEL, G.; MORONI, A.; [et al.]. Potassium ion channels: Could they have evolved from viruses. Plant physiology 162(3):1215-1224. 2013.
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