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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Marzo 16 al 31 de 2016


577.276-I57.  IDEAM. Primer informe bienal de actualización de colombia ante la convención marco de las naciones unidas sobre el cambio climático 2015. Bogotá : IDEAM, 2015. 244 p.

333.91-I57.  IDEAM. Estudio nacional del agua 2014. Bogotá : IDEAM, 2015. 493 p.


HAAG, C.; STEUTEN, B.; FELDBRUGGE, M. Membrana coupled mRNA trafficking in fungi. Annual review of microbiology 69:265-281. 2015.

WINGREEN, N.S.;  HUANG, K.C. Physics of intracellular organization in bacteria. Annual review of microbiology 69:361-379. 2015.

KHAN, A.; MCQUILKEN, M.; GLADFELTER, A.S. Septins and generation of asymmetries in fungal cells. Annual review of microbiology 69:487-503. 2015.

ZHAN, J.; THRALL, P.H.; PAPAIX, J.; XIE, L.; BURDON, J.J. Playing on a pathogen’s weakness: Using evolution to guide sustainable plant disease control strategies. Annual review of phytopathology 53:19-43. 2015.

CONRATH, U.; BECKERS, G.J.M.; LANGENBACH, C.J.G.; JASKIEWICZ, M.R. Priming for enhanced defense. Annual review of phytopathology 53:97-119. 2015.

GOSS, E.M. Genome enabled analysis of plant pathogen migration. Annual review of phytopathology 53:121-135. 2015.

BULL, C.T.; KOIKE, S.T. Practical benefits of knowing the enemy: Modern molecular tools for diagnosing the etiology of bacterial diseases and understanding the taxonomy and diversity of plant pathogenic bacteria. Annual review of phytopathology 53:157-180. 2015.

LARKIN, R.P. Soil health paradigms and implications for disease management. Annual review of phytopathology 53:199-221. 2015.

CROUS, P.W.; HAWKSWORTH, D.L.; WINGFIELD, M.J. Identifying and naming plant pathogenic fungi: Past, present and future. Annual review of phytopathology 53:247-267. 2015.

BEBBER, D.P. Range expanding pests and pathogens in a warming world. Annual review of phytopathology 53:335-356. 2015.

COOK, D.E.; MESARICH, C.H.; THOMMA, B.P.H.J. Understanding plant immunity as a surveillance system to detect invasion. Annual review of phytopathology 53:541-563. 2015.

SCHMALE III, D.G.; ROSS, S.D. Highways in the sky: Scales of atmospheric transport of plant pathogens. Annual review of phytopathology 53:591-611. 2015.

CASTRO, R.R. DE S.; REZENDE, A.C.C.; ROQUE, R.A.; JUSTINIANO, S.C.B.; SANTOS, O. DOS A. Composition and structure of the fig wasp community in Amazonia. Acta amazonica 45(4):355-364. 2015.

ORTIZ G., R.; GONZALEZ C., J.M.; CHAVEZ M., J. Modelo de asignación de agua considerando un caudal ambiental mínimo en la cuenca del río Metztitlán en Hidalgo México. Agrociencia 49(7):703-721. 2015.

CHEN, G.; LUO, S.; MEI, N.; SHEN, D.; SUN, W. Case study of building of conservation coalitions to conserve ecological interactions. Conservation biology 29(6):1527-1536. 2015.

AUERBACH, N.A.; WILSON, K.A.; TULLOCH, A.I.T.; RHODES, J.R.; HANSON, J.O.; POSSINGHAM, H.P. Effects of threat management interactions on conservation priorities. Conservation biology 29(6):1626-1635. 2015.

MADDEN, L.V.; SHAH, D.A.; ESKER, P.D. Does the P value have a future in plant pathology?. Phytopathology 105(11):1400-1407. 2015.

RIMBAUD, L.; DALLOT, S.; DELAUNAY, A.; BORRON, S.; SOUBEYRAND, S.; THEBAUD, G.; JACQUOT, E. Assessing the mismatch between incubation and latent periods for vector borne diseases: The case of Sharka. Phytopathology 105(11):1408-1416. 2015.

ZAPATA C., M.I.; MARIN O., B.E. Ruralidad y dispositivos móviles: Apropiación social y uso de la tableta de información cafetera TIC estudio de caso Federación nacional de cafeteros para Antioquia. Revista lasallista de investigación 12(2):19-27. 2015.


Última actualización:2016-03-18 Autor:Cenicafé
 Ultimas Adquisiciones - Marzo 16 al 31 de 2016