Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 16 al 31 de 2011
PLANEACION ambiental para la conservación de la biodiversidad en las áreas operativas de Ecopetrol localizadas en el Magdalena medio y los Llanos orientales de Colombia. Bogotá : Instituto Humboldt, 2011. 240 p. + 1 cd rom
SUAREZ M., A.M. Serie de estándares para la gestión de información sobre biodiversidad en Colombia. Bogotá : Instituto Humboldt, 2007. 206 p.
COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA Y DESARROLLO RURAL. Cartilla de política agropecuaria 2010 2014. Bogotá : El ministerio, 2011. 46 p.
KINKEL, L.L.; BAKKER, M.G; [et al.]. A coevolutionary framework for managing disease suppressive soils Annual review of phytopathology 49:47-67. 2011. 136 Refs.
STUDHOLME, D.J.; GLOVER, R.H.; [et al.]. Application of high throughput DNA sequencing in phytopathology Annual review of phytopathology 49:87-105. 2011. 116 Refs.
JANSEN, R.M.C.; WILDT, J.; [et al.]. Detection of diseased plants by analysis of volatile organic compound emission Annual review of phytopathology 49:157-174. 2011. 98 Refs.
BROWN, J.K.M.; TELLIER, A. Plant parasite coevolution : Bridging the gap between genetics and ecology Annual review of phytopathology 49:345-367. 2011. 147 Refs.
SZTUBA S., J.; URBANOWICZ, A.; [et al.]. RNA RNA recombination in plant virus replication and evolution Annual review of phytopathology 49:415-443. 2011. 149 Refs.
BEATTIE, G.A. Water relations in the interaction of foliar bacterial pathogens with plants Annual review of phytopathology 49:533-555. 2011. 150 Refs.
BEIER, P.; SPENCER, W.; [et al.]. Toward best practices for developing regional connectivity maps Conservation biology 25(5):879-892. 2011 55 Refs.
SCOTT S., W.; DONOVAN, T.M. A multispecies framework for landscape conservation planning Conservation biology 25(5):1010-1021. 2011 44 Refs.
CARTA, L.K.; SKANTAR, A.M.; [et al.]. Molecular rDNA phylogeny of telotylenchidae siddiqi 1960 and evaluation of tail termini Journal of nematology 42(4):359-369. 2010. 68 Refs.
PARNELL, S.; GOTTWALD, T.R.; [et al.]. A stochastic optimization method to estimate the spatial distribution of a pathogen from a sample Phytopathology 101(10):1184-1190. 2011 19 Refs.
HOBBELEN, P.H.F.; PAVELEY, N.D.; [et al.]. Delaying selection for fungicide insensitivity by mixing fungicides at a low and high risk of resistance development : A modeling analysis Phytopathology 101(10):1224-1233. 2011 46 Refs.
JURY, W.A.; OR, D.; [et al.]. Kirkham’s legacy and contemporary challenges in soil physics research Soil science society of America journal 75(5):1589-1601. 2011 86 Refs.
WHALLEY, W.R.; JENKINS, M.; [et al.]. The velocity of shear waves in saturated soil Soil science society of America journal 75(5):1652-1657. 2011 18 Refs.
SEQUEIRA, C.H.; ALLEY, M.M. Soil organic matter fractions as indices of soil quality changes Soil science society of America journal 75(5):1766-1773. 2011 42 Refs.
KNADEL, M.; THONSEN, A.; [et al.]. Multisensor on the go mapping of soil organic carbon content Soil science society of America journal 75(5):1799-1806. 2011 25 Refs.
VLECK, H.E. VAN; KING, J.Y. Root derived contributions to soil respiration as influenced by agricultural management systems Soil science society of America journal 75(5):1839-1850. 2011 60 Refs.
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