Ultimas Adquisiciones - Noviembre 16 al 30 de 2015
PEREIRA, G.A.; MILANI, L.L.; CIRILLO, M.A. Use of some ridge estimators in the statistical analysis of experiments in entomology. Ceres 61(3):338-342. 2014.
TORRE S., P.E. DE LA. Nuevos registros de la familia Acaridae (Acaridae: Sarcoptiformes) en Cuba. Fitosanidad 17(3):151-154. 2013.
STOUTHAMER, R.; NUNNEY, L. Can neutral molecular markers be used to determine the success of an introduction of a better strain into an established population of a biocontrol parasitoid. Journal of economic entomology 107(2):483–495. 2014.
TABASHNIK, B.E.; MOTA S., D.; WHALON, M.E.; HOLLINGWORTH, R.M.; CARRIERE, Y. Defining terms for proactive management of resistance to Bt crops and pesticides. Journal of economic entomology 107(2):496–507. 2014.
VELEZ, J.C. Palmeros de Tumaco tres años cumpliendo con la recolección de envases de agroquímicos vacíos. El Palmicultor 511:13. 2014.
BILODEAU, G.J.; MARTIN, F.N.; COFFEY, M.D.; BLOMQUIST, C.L. Development of a multiplex assay for genus- and species specific detection of Phytophthora based on differences in mitochondrial gene order. Phytopathology 104(7):733-748. 2014.
PORAZINSKA, D.L.; MORGAN, M.J.; GASPAR, J.M.; COURT, L.N.; HARDY, C.M.; HODDA, M. Discrimination of plant parasitic nematodes from complex soil communities using ecometagenetics. Phytopathology 104(7):749-761. 2014.
ROLLAND L., A.G.; REMMLER, L.; GIRARD B., C. Quantifying shape changes and tissue deformation in leaf development. Plant physiology 165(2):496-505. 2014.
KLUKAS, C.; CHEN, D.; PAPE, J.M. Integrated analysis platform: An open source information system for high throughput plant phenotyping. Plant physiology 165(2):506-518. 2014.
CLAEYS, H.; LANDEGHEM, S. VAN; DUBOIS, M.; MALEUX, K.; INZE, D. What is stress dose response effects in commonly used in vitro stress assays. Plant physiology 165(2):519-527. 2014.
MENDOZA R., J.J.; CALDERA S., J. Threshold for the determination of the digital breach: Comparative among developed regions. TransInformacao 26(2):125-132. 2014.
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