Ultimas Adquisiciones - Octubre 16 al 30 de 2013
CARDER. Norma unificada para el manejo y aprovechamiento de la Guadua. Risaralda : La corporación, 2008. 20 p.
IDEAM. Informe nacional generación y manejo de residuos o desechos peligrosos en Colombia año 2011. Bogotá : El instituto, 2012. 61 p.
AXTELL, M.J. Classification and comparison of small RNAs from plants. Annual review of plant biology 64:137-159. 2013.
CASAL, J.J. Photoreceptor signaling networks in plant responses to shade. Annual review of plant biology 64:403-427. 2013.
FU, Z.Q.; DONG, X. Systemic acquired resistance: Turning local infection into global defense. Annual review of plant biology 64:839-863. 2013.
GAME, E.T.; KAREIVA, P.; [et al.]. Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting. Conservation biology 27(3):480-485. 2013.
JEWELL, Z. Effect of monitoring technique on quality of conservation science. Conservation biology 27(3): 501-508. 2013.
ZHANG, L.; QIU, S.; [et al.]. Effect of chemical additives on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillales: Bacillaceae) against Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of economic entomology 106(3):1075-1080. 2013.
ORDAS, B.; ALVAREZ, A.; [et al.]. Relationship between time to flowering and stalk and ear damage by second generation corn borers. Journal of economic entomology 106(3):1234-1239. 2013.
GEISER, D.M.; AOKI, T.; [et al.]. One fungus, one name: Defining the genus Fusarium in a scientifically robust way that preserves longstanding use. Phytopathology 103(5):400-408. 2013.
REMESAL, E.; LANDA, B.B.; [et al.]. Sequence variation in two protein-coding genes correlates with mycelial compatibility groupings in Sclerotium rolfsii. Phytopathology 103(5):479-487. 2013.
LANDEGHEM, S. VAN; BODT, S. DE; [et al.]. The potential of text mining in data integration and network biology for plant research: A case study on Arabidopsis. The plant cell 25(3):794-807. 2013.
LIU, Y.J.; XIU, Z.H.; [et al.]. Empty pericarp5 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein that is required for mitochondrial RNA editing and seed development in maize. The plant cell 25(3):203-210. 2013.
GUO, H.; LEE, T.H.; [et al.]. Function relaxation followed by diversifying selection after whole-genome duplication in flowering plants. Plant physiology 162(2):769-778. 2013.
SHOJI, T.; MISHIMA, M.; [et al.]. Divergent DNA-binding specificities of a group of Ethylene response factor transcription factors involved in plant defense. Plant physiology 162(2): 977-990. 2013.
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