Ultimas Adquisiciones - Octubre 15 al 31 de 2016
5G7A0:xa - F85. FUNDACION MANUEL MEJIA. Manejo forestal: Restauración ecológica. [Juego]. Chinchiná : Fundación Manuel Mejía : CENICAFE, 2016.—Incluye: 1 documento argollado + 11 fichas en material duro + 1 guía de elementos e instrucciones + 12 fichas para recortar.
SOUZA, L.C. DE; LIMA, H.V. DE; RODRIGUES, S.; KERN, D.C.; SILVA, A.P. DA; PICCININ, J.L. Chemical and physical properties of an anthropogenic dark earth soil from Braganca Para Eastern Amazon. Acta amazonica 46(4):337-344. 2016.
MOREIRA, F.M. de S.; COELHO, K.P.; RIBEIRO, P.R. de A.; GUIMARAES, A.A. Nursery growth and rhizobia symbiosis of scandent leguminosae species native to the amazon region. Acta amazonica 46(4):367-375. 2016.
HE, X.; JOHANSSON, M.L.; HEATH, D.D. Role of genomics and transcriptomics in selection of reintroduction source populations. Conservation biology 30(5):1010-1018. 2016.
HEWITT, J.E.; THRUSH, S.F., ELLINGSEN, K.E. The role of time and species identities in spatial patterns of species richness and conservation. Conservation biology 30(5):1080-1088. 2016.
CRUICKSHANK, S.S.; OZGUL, A.; ZUMBACH, S.; SCHMIDT, B.R. Quantifying population declines based on presence-only records for red-list assessments. Conservation biology 30(5):1112-1121. 2016.
JARAMILLO G., J.A.; CASTELLANOS D., C.G.; PERERA L., A. Applicability of semi supervised learning assumptions for gene ontology terms prediction. Redin 79:19-32. 2016.
Ultimas Adquisiciones - Octubre 15 al 31 de 2016
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café - Cenicafé
Sede principal Pedro Uribe Mejía, km. 4 vía Chinchiná-Manizales. Manizales (Caldas) - Colombia
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