Ultimas Adquisiciones - Septiembre 16 al 30 de 2012
SANCHEZ N., J. Fertilizantes : El alimento de nuestros alimentos. México : Trillas, 2007. 80 p.
PEÑARANDA V., J. Biología molecular de virus : Tópicos seleccionados. Bogotá : Universidad Nacional, 1996. 508 p.
TARJUELO M.B., J.M. El riego por aspersión y su tecnología. Madrid : Mundi prensa, 2005. 581 p.
PEREIRA, P.; NESCI, A.; [et al.]. Efficacy of bacterial seed treatments for the control of Fusarium verticillioides in maize. Biocontrol 54(1):103-111. 2009.
FIELDLER, N.C.; JUVANHOL, R.S.; [et al.]. Análise da carga de trabalho físico em atividades de implantacao florestal em áreas declivosas. Floresta 42(2):241-248. 2012.
FERRIS, H.; GRIFFITHS, B.S.; [et al.]. Reflections on plant and soil nematode ecology : Past present and future. Journal of nematology 44(2):115-126. 2012.
CAMPOS H., R.; BARBERCHECK, M.; [et al.]. Entomopathogenic nematodes as a model system for advancing the frontiers of ecology. Journal of nematology 44(2):162-176. 2012.
AGROPALMA en Brasil ejemplo de sostenibilidad. Palmicultor 484:18-19. 2012.
MIDEROS, S.X.; WINDHAM, G.L.; [et al.]. Tissue specific components of resistance to Aspergillus ear rot of maize. Phytopathology 102(8):787-793. 2012.
WOLOWSKI, M.; FREITAS, L. Reproduction pollination and seed predation of Senna multijuga Fabaceae in two protected areas in the brazilian atlantic forest. Revista de biología tropical 59(4):1939-1948. 2011.
JOHNSON, J.M.F.; WEYERS, S.L.; [et al.]. Nitrous oxide methane emission and yield scaled emission from organically and conventionally managed systems. Soil science society of america journal 76(4):1347-1357. 2012.
SUN, X.L.; WU, S.C.; [et al.]. Uncertainty analysis for the evaluation of agricultural soil quality based on digital soil maps. Soil science society of america journal 76(4):1379-1389. 2012.
RABENHORST, M.C.; STOLT, M.H. Field estimations of soil organic carbon. Soil science society of America journal 76(4):1478-1481. 2012.
COELHO N., R.A.; NODA, H.; [et al.]. Avaliacao de práticas de manejo da mancha de Corynespora na cultura do tomate. Tropical plant pathology 37(3):185-190. 2012.
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