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Ultimas Adquisiciones - Agosto 16 al 30 de 2012


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PARQUES NACIONALES NATURALES DE COLOMBIA. Bases técnicas y legales de la política de participación social en la conservación. Bogotá : Los parques, 2007. 296 p.

CARDER. Ordenación cuenca río Campoalegre. Pereira : Corporación autónoma regional de Risaralda, 2009. 28 p.

CARDER. Plan de manejo de los recursos naturales del territorio colectivo de las comunidades afro de Santa Cecilia Pueblo Rico Risaralda Colombia. Pereira : Corporación autónoma regional de Risaralda, 2012. 138 p.


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KAGODA, F.; DERERA, J.; [et al.]. Grain yield and heterosis of maize hybrids under nematode infested and nematicide treated conditions. Journal of nematology 43(3/4):209-219. 2011.

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VELASCO B., R.; GIL G., J.H.; [et al.]. Structural modification of trans cinnamic acid using Colletotrichum acutatum. Revista facultad de ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia 63:20-29. 2012.

VRIET, C.; RUSSINOVA, E.; [et al.]. Boosting crop yields with plant steroids. Plant cell 24(3):842-857. 2012.

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KONG, D.; KARVE, R.; [et al.]. Regulation of plasmodesmatal permeability and stomatal patterning by the glycosyltransferase like protein KOBITO1. Plant physiology 159(1):156-168. 2012.

LIESCHE, J.; SCHULZ, A. In vivo quantification of cell coupling in plants with different phloem loading strategies. Plant physiology 159(1):355-365. 2012.

SAGE, R.F.; SAGE, T.L.; [et al.]. Photorespiration and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. Annual review of plant biology 63:19-47. 2012.

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PILLITTERI, L.J.; TORII, K.U. Mechanisms of stomatal development. Annual review of plant biology 63:591-614. 2012.

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