Ultimas Adquisiciones - Junio 16 al 30 de 2012
581.2 - M16a
MARTIN, F.; KAMOUN, S. Effectors in plant microbe interactions. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons, 2012. 426 p.
632.4 - B54
BOLTON, M.D.; THOMMA, B.P.H.J. Plant fungal pathogens : Methods and protocols. New York : Humana press, 2012. 648 p.
632.6 - M15
MANEJO de plagas con tecnología MIP. Bogotá : ICA, 2000. 64 p.
CORTES, S.P.; LOPEZ, C.E. Gene silencing and applications for functional gene validation : The case of geminiviruses. Agronomía colombiana 29(1):27-34. 2011. 58 Refs.
FERREIRA, A. DE O.; SA, J.C. DE M.; [et al.] Relacao de estratificacao como indicador do sequestro de carbono em macroagregados de latossolo sob plantio direto. Ciencia rural 42(4):645-652. 2012. 20 Refs.
MILLER, B.W.; CAPLOW, S.C.; [et al.] Feedbacks between conservation and social ecological systems. Conservation biology 26(2):218-227. 2012. 55 Refs.
SUNDSTROM, S.M.; ALLEN, C.R.; [et al.] Species functional groups and thresholds in ecological resilience. Conservation biology 26(2):305-314. 2012. 55 Refs.
SILVA, A.M. DA; CANUTO, D.S. DE O.; [et al.] Avaliacao das propriedades químicas em solo de Cerrado sob reflorestamento ciliar. Floresta 42(1):49-58. 2012. 25 Refs.
WESTPHAL, A. Sustainable approaches to the management of plant parasitic nematodes and disease complexes. Journal of nematology 43(2):122-125. 2011. 37 Refs.
SIMKO, I.; PIEPHO, P. The area under the disease progress stairs : Calculation advantage and application. Phytopathology 102(4):381-389. 2012. 14 Refs.
AGUDELO E., L.M.; SALAZAR A., U.; [et al.] Yeast immobilization in lignocellulosic wastes for ethanol production in packed bed bioreactor. Revista facultad de ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia 62:66-76. 2012. 21 Refs.
EHRHARDT, D.W.; FROMMER, W.B. New technologies for 21st century plant science. Plant cell 24(2):374-394. 2012. 35 Refs.
YAMAJI, Y.; MAEJIMA, K.; [et al.] Lectin mediated resistance impairs plant virus infection at the cellular level. Plant cell 24(2):778-793. 2012. 74 Refs.
CUI, H.; HAO, Y.; [et al.] Scarecrow has a short root independent role in modulating the sugar response. Plant physiology 158(4):1769-1778. 2012. 49 Refs.
MOZES K., R.; GOVER, O.; [et al.] Expression of an entire bacterial operon in plants. Plant physiology 158(4):1883-1892. 2012. 64 Refs.
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