Ultimas Adquisiciones - Abril 16 al 30 de 2011
LESUR, L. Manual de fertilización y productividad del suelo agrícola : Una guía paso a paso. México : Trillas, 2006. 64 p.
SURESH, R. Microirrigation : Theory and practice. Delhi : Standard publishers distributors, 2010. 695 p.
PEREA D., M.; MATALLANA R., L.P.; [et al.]. Biotecnología aplicada al mejoramiento de los cultivos de frutas tropicales. Bogotá : Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2010. 582 p.
HERNANDEZ S., C. Nueva política del agua y herencias centralizadoras : El consejo de cuenca del Valle de México. Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo 8(3):303-327. 2011. 52 Refs.
REYES A., J.E.; BERRIOS A., D.F.; [et al.] Calibración estática de un sistema de control automático de tasa variable de fertilizante. Agrociencia 46(1):51-62. 2012. 14 Refs.
BREWER, M.J.; GOODELL, P.B. Approaches and incentives to implement integrated pest management that addresses regional and environmental issues. Annual review of entomology 57:41-59. 2012. 122 Refs.
SEVERSON, D.W.; BEHURA, S.K. Mosquito genomics : Progress and challenges. Annual review of entomology 57:143-166. 2012. 207 Refs.
SMITH, C.M.; CLEMENT, S.L. Molecular bases of plant resistance to arthropods. Annual review of entomology 57:309-328. 2012. 150 Refs.
GAO, S.; HANSON, B.D.; [et al.] Methods evaluated to minimize emissions from preplant soil fumigation. California agriculture 65(1):41-46. 2011. 39 Refs.
GRISMER, M.E.; SHEPHERD, H.L. Plants in constructed wetlands help to treat agricultural processing wastewater. California agriculture 65(2):73-79. 2011. 14 Refs.
BURRI, B.J.; CHANG, J.S.T.; [et al.] Citrus can help prevent vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. California agriculture 65(3):130-135. 2011. 27 Refs.
PEDROSO, G.M.; BEN, C., DE; [et al.] Switchgrass is a promising high yielding crop for California biofuel. California agriculture 65(4):168-173. 2011. 23 Refs.
STOCK, S.P.; BIRD, D.M.; [et al.] Abstracts of NEMASYM : The second nematode bacteria symbioses research coordination network meeting. Journal of nematology 43(1):49-60. 2011.
EXTRACTORA Loma fresca S.A. : Un proyecto que se perfila como referente ambiental. Palmicultor 480:12-13. 2012.
CHALUPOWICZ, L.; ZELLERMANN, E.M.; [et al.] Colonization and movement of GFP labeled Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis during tomato infection. Phytopathology 102(1):23-31. 2012. 35 Refs.
PARET, M.L.; SHARMA, S.K.; [et al.] Characterization of biofumigated Ralstonia solanacearum cells using micro raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Phytopathology 102(1):105-113. 2012. 37 Refs.
BOCSANCZY, A.M.; ACHENBACH, U.C.M.; [et al.] Comparative effect of low temperature on virulence and twitching motility of Ralstonia solanacearum strains present in Florida. Phytopathology 102(2):185-194. 2012. 50 Refs.
COOK, J.P.; MCMULLEN, M.D.; [et al.] Genetic architecture of maize kernel composition in the nested association mapping and inbred association panels. Plant physiology 158(2):824-834. 2012. 59 Refs.
RASMANN, S.; VOS, M., DE; [et al.] Herbivory in the previous generation primes plants for enhanced insect resistance. Plant physiology 158(2):854-863. 2012. 43 Refs.
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