Ultimas adquisiciones - Febrero 01 al 15 de 2017
631.523 - G86. GUPTA, P.K.; TSUCHIYA, T. Chromosome engineering in plants: Genetics, breeding, evolution. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1991. 639 p.
TOH, S.S.; PERLIN, M.H. Resurgence of less studied smut fungi as models of phytopathogenesis in the omics age. Phytopathology 106(11):1244-1254. 2016.
WANG, N.Y.; ZHANG, K.; HUGUET T., J.C.; ROLLINS, J.A.; DEWDNEY, M.M. Mating type and simple sequence repeat markers indicate a clonal population of Phyllosticta citricarpa in Florida. Phytopathology 106(11):1300-1310. 2016.
KNAUS, B.J.; TABIMA, J.F.; DAVIS, C.E.; JUDELSON, H.S.; GRUNWALD, N.J. Genomic analyses of dominant U.S. clonal lineages of Phytophthora infestans reveals a shared common ancestry for clonal lineages US11 and US18 and a lack of recently shared ancestry among all other U.S. lineages. Phytopathology 106(11):1393-1403. 2016.
ARANGO U., M.; VELEZ, D.; TORRES, G.A.; BUSTILLO P., A.E. Reconocimiento de síntomas y toma de muestras en palmas afectadas por marchitez sorpresiva (MS), en la zona oriental. Palmicultor 535:24-26. 2016.
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