Ultimas adquisiciones - August 2018
Contenido completo:
6A6Ae6Ab - C25 - Ej. 2. CENICAFE. Guía: Más agronomía más productividad. Manizales : CENICAFE, 2016. 96 p.
MACHADO, M.R.; CAMARA, R.; SAMPAIO, P. DE T.B.; FERRAZ, J.B.S.; PEREIRA, M.G. Silvicultural performance of five forest species in the central brazilian Amazon. Acta amazónica 48(1):10-17. 2018.
EIGENBRODE, S.D.; BOSQUE P., N.A.; DAVIS, T.S. Insect borne plant pathogens and their vectors: Ecology evolution and complex interactions. Annual review of entomology 62:193-214. 2018.
SASAKI, T.; PRATT, S.C. The psychology of superorganisms: Collective decision making by insect societies. Annual review of entomology 62:259-275. 2018.
HARRISON, J.F.; GREENLEE, K.J.; VERBERK, W.C.E.P. Functional hypoxia in insects: Definition assessment and consequences for physiology ecology and evolution. Annual review of entomology 62:303-325. 2018.
WRIGHT, G.A.; NICOLSON, S.W.; SHAFIR, S. Nutritional physiology and ecology of honey bees. Annual review of entomology 62:327-344. 2018.
RENAULT, D.; LAPARIE, M.; MCCAULEY, S.J.; BONTE, D. Environmental adaptations ecological filtering and dispersal central to insect invasions. Annual review of entomology 62:345-368. 2018.
GREGG, P.C.; SOCORRO, A.P. DEL; LANDOLT, P.J. Advances in attract and kill for agricultural pests: Beyond pheromones. Annual review of entomology 62:453-470. 2018.
MALDONADO O., A.M. Un modelo exitoso de asistencia técnica productor a productor. Palmas 38(4):77-81. 2017.
LOPEZ A., J. Manejo del recurso hídrico en el Magdalena. Palmicultor 554:25-27. 2018.
NIÑA 2018: Débil y de corta duración. Revista nacional de agricultura 978:16-19. 2018.
AGROFUTURO: Tras la agricultura digital. Revista nacional de agricultura 978:23-25. 2018.
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Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café - Cenicafé
Sede principal Pedro Uribe Mejía, km. 4 vía Chinchiná-Manizales. Manizales (Caldas) - Colombia
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